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Who we are

Especially Designed for


One Session Only

Our practical and effective self defense techniques are especially designed for women. You learn how to protect yourself in one three hour self defense class.


All techniques are taught by experienced Black Belt instructors in a non-threatening, non-intimidating atmosphere. This session does not require a lot of strength and all techniques are taught in a fun and safe atmosphere. Participants do not need to be in top physical condition or well coordinated.

Our women's self defense class is a three hour workshop for women ages 13 and up.  You'll learn defenses to:

Simple and Proven Techniques

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Safety and survival in today's world requires you to know self defense. There are various types of assaults and our women's self defense class gives you the best chance of survival by utilizing simple, effective, and proven self-defense tactics and techniques. In one 3-hour session you’ll learn: