Credit Card Processing  © 2013      Privacy Policy

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Free Rate Evaluation

Discount Rates

Fees in the Industry

We Offer the Most Competitive Rates and

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Our company endeavors to have the most competitive rates in the industry. Our rates start at 1.09% for Swiped Merchants and 1.79% for Keyed Merchants. Our rates and fees depend on the type of business you have, whether you are swiping cards or keying cards, which card types you are accepting, and more.


It is important to understand that varying rates will be applied to your processing activity as a function of the type of card, the manner in which the card is processed, and your adherence to required processing rules. To minimize your costs, it is in your best interests to ensure that you and your employees follow the procedures described in your Welcome Booklet and in the training we provide at

the time we activate your account.

Swiped Qualified Rate:

Swiped Mid-Qualified Rate:

Keyed Qualified Rate:

Keyed Non Qualified Rate:

Swiped Transactions:

Keyed Transactions:

* = Indicate Mandatory Fields